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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Relationship Advice Tips for Better Communication

Communication is of the utmost importance for people in any situation however; it is even more important for those in loverelationships or a family relationship. Millions of people go through school every year without having any idea of how to properly communicate with others. It isn’t taught in schools although proper communication skills are absolutely necessary for everyday life and without them, love and relationships can become strained and jeopardized. You must learn how to communicate properly to be successful in life.
Shut Up and Listen
One of the biggest problems in marriage relationships is that one person just won’t let the other talk. Relationship help experts refer to this type of person as an “isolator”. Isolators have the tendency to talk so much and for so long that their partners become numb to what they are saying.
One in five marriage relationships or committed love relationships reportedly has an isolator. Unfortunately, people have become so consumed with themselves and what they are experiencing that they ramble on and on without allowing their partner to get a word in edgewise. For a happy, healthy and successful marriage relationship, you must learn to talk to each other as well as listen to what the other person has to say. This is the art of communication.
Take Off the Gloves
It is natural that disagreements will occur. This happens in all love and relationships as no two people can see eye to eye all of the time. It’s really important that you both know how to settle disagreements before they escalate into something even worse.
You need to have guidelines in place for settling disputes. An important love advice to keep in mind is that you should never raise your voices in anger. Yelling at your partner will never solve the problem. Oftentimes, yelling will escalate into name calling, uncalled for accusations and cause someone to bring up past marital problems. A calm discussion will usually be all it takes to settle a dispute.
Another important relationship advice is that you both have a cooling off period. When you hit a stalemate and neither of you are willing to budge, call a temporary truce. You should each, take some time to think about the other person’s position as well as reevaluate your own opinion. Once you are able to see where the other person is coming from, you should try to sit down and work through the problem again.
All in the Family
Love relationships aren’t the only ones that need to learn to communicate better. A family relationship can also benefit from learning better communication skills. Families don’t spend enough time talking to each other anymore. This can cause a breakdown in the family dynamic and nullify bonds that were made at birth.
Cell phones are often to blame for the lack of communication in families. One would think that a trip to the park to play on the swings would be a great way to communicate with your kids. However, most parents can be seen sitting on a bench texting, talking or updating their status on Facebook rather than spending quality time talking to their kids.
A family relationship can become stronger with better communication skills. The whole family should put away the cell phones at dinnertime and simply talk. Cell phones tend to dominate our world and have ruined many love relationships and make our children feel less important. Banning cell phones during dinner and family time will help make your family stronger and happier.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Parenting Help for Inspiring Your Children

Everyone in the world has hopes and dreams which they would like to see to fruition. This is also true of very young children. By motivating your children and inspiring to achieve their goals, you teach your kids to be go-getters and not settlers. By motivating and inspiring your kids, you will also create a stronger child parent relationship that will stand the test of time.
Believe in the Books
Reading with your children is a great way to spend quality time together and enhance the parent children relationship too. A goodparenting tip for using books to inspire your child is to find the right age appropriate books to motivate your child.
There are many inspiring books available, even picture books for little ones. Experts in the field of parenting help suggest books such as “The Little Engine That Could” and “The Fox and the Mountain” for tots. Your local librarian will be happy to help you find great books to motivate your kids. The important thing is that you spend the time to read the books to your kids. Working parents will need to set aside a bit of time to do this but the results will be worth your time and effort.
Feed the Body and the Soul
No person in the world cannot stress enough the importance of mealtime as a family. Dinnertime is a great opportunity to talk to each other in a relaxed atmosphere and work on your child parentrelationship. Children are more apt to discuss their current hopes and dreams over the dinner table than at any other time. It is especially important for working parents to sit down to dinner with their kids. This shows them that although the parents are busy people, they will always have the time to talk with their kids.
Back to Basics
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that kids enjoy playing outdoors and embracing all that our natural environment has to offer. Nature tends to inspire creativity in young children. A simple picnic in the park, walk in the woods or even camping out in the backyard can motivate your child and inspire him in a variety of ways. You can encourage him to draw pictures of the outing, sing a song about it or for the older kids, write a story or poem about the experience. Creativity is essential to inspiring children to reach for the stars.
The Dream Wheel
Every child should have a dream wheel to use as a guide for accomplishing their goals. The wheel could have small and easy goals such as learning to tie shoes, being able to write his own name or more difficult ones such as learn to ride a horse or build a model car. The point of the dream wheel is that the child can learn to set his own goals and work toward achieving them. Of course, you will need to make the time to assist them in attaining their goals but this time will help to improve the parent children relationship as well.
Videos Mean Victory
Another great parenting tool to motivate children is the use of motivational videos. Motivational videos convey important messages using powerful images and simple texts. You can read children quotes or watch a motivating video daily with your children and inspire them to follow their dreams.